Well, when it comes to the unionism, do we choose the best man or just settle for any man....

#TeamHadi J #TeamWay4ward GOOD DAY NAMSSNITE. The new way to justify our deeds is what we did when things went wrong, did we backed down or faced it? Did we bear the pains or run away in fright? did we talked about resolution or weakly resort to violence? did we prayed to God over it, or did we just do it with our human knowledge? Well, when it comes to the unionism, do we choose the best man or just settle for any man, do we doubt their capability to deliver or nurse fear of their imminent failure? So many questions worry the mind, but only Hopeπ alone resolves it all. We know we can do better, we know the Union can get better. For only when our hope is high, then our ideas are action driven, our unity is maximally utilized. In one word, HADI J is capable, HADI J is liberal, HADI J is attentive and HADI J is for Way Forward of the department..Pls continue toπππ THINK,π RETHINK, π ANTICIPATE, ENDORSE π AND SUPPORT ✌️✌️ Hadi Ogacheko for NAMSSN VICE PRESIDENT..greater Mathematical science, my priority..
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